Basal ganglia-subthalamic nucleus symphony: who conducts?
Organized by Constance Hammond
Mèl :

Venue: INMED, Marseille


Affiche, programme et informations pratiques à télécharger.

Preliminary programme

Sunday 31st May 2009

19h30Conference - Diner at INMED in honor of Jean Féger

Monday 1st June 2009

Chaired by Lydia Kerkerian Le Goff
9h00Luis Puelles, Spain
The concept of subthalamic nucleus across species.
9h45Constance Hammond, France
Subthalamic nucleus amplifies and spreads out the hyperdirect NoGo signal. Respective roles of dopamine depletion and high frequency stimulation.
10h15Jérôme Baufreton, France
What sets the activity of subthalamic neurons? The role of dopamine and subthalamo-pallidal loop.
10h45Coffee break
Chaired by Jérôme Yelnik
11h00Jean-Michel Deniau, France
Subthalamic nucleus and the control of basal ganglia thalamo-cortical loops. Why an additional system to striatum?
11h30Peter Magill, UK
Cannot move to the rhythm? Inappropriate neuronal synchrony and oscillations in the subthalamic nucleus-globus pallidus network in Parkinson’s disease.
12h15Lunch at INMED. Meeting of speakers with Parkinson associations
Chaired by Philippe Damier
13h30Jens Volkman, Germany
High frequency stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus, what for?
14h15Eugenio Scarnati, Italy
The subthalamo-pedunculopontine loop, the other STN loop to be stimulated?
Chaired by Léon Tremblay
15h00Christelle Baunez, France
STN and frontal-like functions such as inhibition, attention and motivation.
15h30Peter Brown, UK
Trial-to-trial learning, motivation and the STN.
Chaired by Constance Hammond
16h45Rachida Ammari, PhD student, France
Questions to speakers prepared by PhD students.
17h45Alim Louis Benabid, France
General conclusion on the roles of the STN in human.