8h45 | Welcome |
Chaired by Lydia Kerkerian Le Goff |
9h00 | Luis Puelles, Spain The concept of subthalamic nucleus across species. |
9h45 | Constance Hammond, France Subthalamic nucleus amplifies and spreads out the hyperdirect NoGo signal. Respective roles of dopamine depletion and high frequency stimulation. |
10h15 | Jérôme Baufreton, France What sets the activity of subthalamic neurons? The role of dopamine and subthalamo-pallidal loop. |
10h45 | Coffee break |
Chaired by Jérôme Yelnik |
11h00 | Jean-Michel Deniau, France Subthalamic nucleus and the control of basal ganglia thalamo-cortical loops. Why an additional system to striatum? |
11h30 | Peter Magill, UK Cannot move to the rhythm? Inappropriate neuronal synchrony and oscillations in the subthalamic nucleus-globus pallidus network in Parkinson’s disease. |
12h15 | Lunch at INMED. Meeting of speakers with Parkinson associations |
Chaired by Philippe Damier |
13h30 | Jens Volkman, Germany High frequency stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus, what for? |
14h15 | Eugenio Scarnati, Italy The subthalamo-pedunculopontine loop, the other STN loop to be stimulated? |
14h45 | Break |
Chaired by Léon Tremblay |
15h00 | Christelle Baunez, France STN and frontal-like functions such as inhibition, attention and motivation. |
15h30 | Peter Brown, UK Trial-to-trial learning, motivation and the STN. |
16h15 | Break |
Chaired by Constance Hammond |
16h45 | Rachida Ammari, PhD student, France Questions to speakers prepared by PhD students. |
17h45 | Alim Louis Benabid, France General conclusion on the roles of the STN in human. |
18h30 | End |