New insights on progression in multiple sclerosis
8:30 Welcome breakfast
8:50 Introduction
- Clinical progression in multiple sclerosis
- Chaired by Bruno Brochet, Bordeaux and Aurélie Ruet, Bordeaux
- 9:00-9:35: Diagnosis and prognosis markers at the early stage of MS
Georgina Arrambide, Barcelona
- 9:35-10:10: Assessing progression in MS
Aurélie Ruet, Bordeaux
- Biological mechanisms of progression
Neuroinflammation and remyelination mechanisms
- Chaired by Nathalie Schmitt, Bordeaux and Brahim Nait Oumesmar, Paris
- 10:15-10:40: The adaptive immune system in MS
Laure Michel, Nantes
- 10h:40-11:05: The meningeal inflammation in MS
Roberta Magliozzi, Verona
11:05-11:30 Coffee break
- Chaired by Stéphane Oliet, Bordeaux and Agnès Nadjar, Bordeaux
- 11:30-11:55: Axon-glial interactions and demyelinating diseases
Thomas Tourdias, Bordeaux
- 11:55-12:20: Axonal microdomains on myelinated fibers and myelin plasticity
Anne Desmazières, Paris
- 12:20-12:45: Biology of remyelination
Violetta Zujovic, Paris
12:45-14:00 Lunchtime
- Bridging the gap between disease mechanisms and neuroimaging
- Chaired by Thomas Tourdias, Bordeaux and Françoise Durand-Dubief, Bron
- 14:00-14:25: MRI markers of progression in MS
Declan T. Chard, London
- 14:25-14:50: Brain plasticity and repair
Bertrand Audoin, Marseille
- 14:50-15:15: Insights from molecular imaging
Benedetta Bodini, Paris
15:15-15:45 Coffee break
- Therapeutic perspectives
- Chaired by Declan T. Chard, London and Bruno Stankoff, Paris
- 15:45-16:10: Role of disease modifiers treatment on the progression in MS
Emmanuelle Le Page, Rennes
- 16:10-16:35: Updates on neuroprotection
Étienne Hirsch, Paris
- 16:35-17:00: Succeeding the translation for remyelinating therapies in MS
Bruno Stankoff, Paris
Conclusion by Étienne Hirsch, Director, ITMO NNP