Summer School “Innovations: Neuroscience in the public and private sectors”

Summer School “Innovations: Neuroscience in the public and private sectors”

This Summer School is specially conceived for Master 2 students, PhD students, post-docs and researchers in Occitanie, a region rich in neuroscientific potential. It aims to complement their essentially science-based training by providing them with entrepreneurial skills and expanding their professional network.

Each morning, participants will have the opportunity to attend lectures given by neuroscience researchers and neurologists. These presentations will explore the latest advances in the field, combining public and private sector approaches. Researchers from the NeurATRIS and non-NeurATRIS networks will be on hand to give students from the Occitanie region access to speakers they wouldn’t otherwise have access to in their traditional regional curriculum.

The afternoon will be devoted to inspiring testimonials and practical support in setting up start-ups, establishing CROs (Clinical Research Organizations) and valorizing patents. Experts will share their experience and advice to help participants turn their innovative ideas in the neurosciences into reality.

In addition, a workshop dedicated to “Scientific Communication” will be led by Elodie Chabrol, a former neuroscientist specializing in scientific communication. This cross-disciplinary module will enable participants to acquire an essential skill for their careers, whether in the public or private sector.

Program and registration

Practical information


Université de Nîmes, site Vauban

Target audience

Master 2 students, PhD, post-doc, researchers