
Catania International Summer School of Neuroscience

The XXI Summer School of Neuroscience will be held in Catania from 15 to 19 July 2024 on the theme “Memory deficit and dementia: progress in physiology and hope for a cure”.



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Catane, Sicile, Italie

Early-Life Adversity and Resilience: Multi-Disciplinary Perspectives in a Rapidly Changing World

This multidisciplinary conference will bring together experts in various fields in early-life adversity and children’s/youth mental health and well-being. Neurobiologists will focus on the pathogenesis and pathophysiology of early-life adversity, vulnerability and resilience and related psycho-affective disorders. They will highlight the social and clinical implications of their studies investigating the effects of stress-related and other biological factors during the critical period. Specialists in the psychological and clinical domains will bring their professional experience from their work with children and youth-related programs. Educators and policy-makers will discuss practical and logistical considerations in implementing pro-development and mental health awareness programs at the community and societal levels. This conference is a unique opportunity that provides space for inter-disciplinary dialogue. It hopes to bring to the panel diverse perspectives that can mutually inform each other and collectively forge broadly received recommendations and plan of action to address the growing concerns regarding the global youth mental health crisis. These resolutions aim to contribute to a wider movement that works towards a better integrated vision of a future world able to better protect the well-being of children and youth.

Deadline for registration: 31/07/2024

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International Symposium: Signals and Circuits for motivation and movement

Dopamine is an important neurotransmitter in the brain that modulates complex behaviors such as movement, reward, motivation, and memory. The activity of dopaminoceptive neurons in the forebrain is altered in a variety of conditions, including Parkinson’s disease, addiction, and schizophrenia.
Unraveling the molecular signals and circuits involved in the actions of dopamine in the normal and pathological brain has been the focus of Jean-Antoine Girault’s scientific career, collaborating with prominent international leaders and making seminal discoveries in this rapidly expanding field.

The 2024 IFM Colloquium, organized in honor of Jean-Antoine Girault’s career, will showcase 12 keynote speakers who will address various aspects of neurotransmission and signaling in the striatal circuits underlying motivation and movement, both in physiological conditions and in various disorders that mainly affect dopaminergic signaling (e.g., Parkinson’s disease, obsessive-compulsive disorder, or drug addiction). Our goal is to cover most aspects of basal ganglia involvement in action selection and procedural learning (i.e., habit formation), as well as related disorders, to provide a comprehensive and up-to-date view of this dynamic field.

Space and time will be allocated to poster presentations.


More information & registration


Practical information


Auditorium - International Conference Center
Sorbonne Université - Faculté des Sciences et Ingénierie
Campus Pierre et Marie Curie
4 place Jussieu, 75005 Paris

2024 ISDN meeting

The 25th Biennial Conference of the International Society for Developmental Neuroscience (ISDN) will take place in Montpellier, France, 21-24 September 2024.

4 plenary speakers and 10 symposia featuring more than 40 speakers will highlight recent advances and future directions in fundamental and applied developmental neuroscience.



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Corum, Montpellier, France

Workshop « Linking brain structure & function at the nanoscale: an interdisciplinary workshop »

L’équipe AistroSight de l’Inria à Lyon organise les 26 et 27 septembre 2024 un workshop intitulé “Linking brain structure & function at the nanoscale: an interdisciplinary workshop”.

Plus d’informations prochainement.


Practical information


Lyon et hybride

1st Azerbaijan Neuroscience Conference

The 1st Azerbaijan Neuroscience Conference, organized by the Azerbaijan Neuroscience Society in collaboration with Neyroelm MMC, IBRO and Baku Pain Clinic, will take place on September 28th, 2024, at the Hilton Hotel in Baku, Azerbaijan.

More information on the event website


Membrane Trafficking in Health and Disease: Focus on Neurological Diseases

In the last thirty years, tremendous progress has been made in the elucidation of the molecular and cellular mechanisms regulating membrane trafficking and turnover in mammalian cells, e.g., exocytosis, endocytosis and the lysosomal clearance of proteins and lipids through autophagy. The field is now able to explore how defects of membrane trafficking can lead to diseases, particularly neurodevelopmental and neurodegenerative disorders. The school will overview the last decades of seminal advances in the field: the lessons learned about regulated and unconventional exocytosis, the role of lysosomes in degradation and secretion, the dynamics, metabolism and signalling of lipids, and the role of the immune system in regulating the synapse and neuronal function.


Day 1. Monday 14th

11-12. welcoming

13.00. Lunch

Secretion and degradation I

14:30. Thierry Galli: “Unconventional Secretion in the Nervous System”

16:00. Silvia Coco: “Mesenchymal Stem Cell Extracellular Vesicles: A New Challenge for Brain Diseases?”

Social Dinner.


Day 2. Tuesday 15th

Membrane Trafficking and neurodegeneration

9:00. Shawn Ferguson: “Lysosome Dysfunction in Neurodegenerative Disease”

10:30. Peter McPherson: “DENN-Domain-Mediated Regulation of Rab GTPases in Neurological Disease

Social Event: Visit of Como and Museum

13.30. Lunch

Membrane dynamics at the synapse

14:30. Kohji Takei: “Interplay between Membrane Dynamics and Cytoskeletal Dynamics”

16:00. Ira Milosevic “Towards understanding synaptic transmission in the ageing brain”


17:15. Coffee Break

17:30. Student Session I


Day 3. Wednesday 16th

Secretion and degradation I

9:00Michele Solimena: “Secretory Granules/Large Dense Core Vesicles: The Other Side of Regulated Exocytosis. Lessons from the Pancreatic Islet Beta Cells””

10:30. Roberto Zoncu: “Lysosomes in Nutrient Sensing and Cellular Growth Control”

Social Event: visit of the Villa of Grumello and botanical Garden

13.30. Lunch

Membrane Trafficking and neurodegeneration II

14:30. Volker Haucke: “Lipid Switches in Cell Physiology: From Membrane Dynamics to Disease”

16:00. Gilbert Di Paolo: “Role of Lipids in Neurodegeneration”

17:15. Coffee Break

17:30. Student Session II


Day 4. Thursday 17th 


9:30. Michela Matteoli: “The Synapse as a Target of the Immune System: Role of Microglia”

10:30. Evelina Gatti: “Unconventional Secretion Linking Cellular Stress and Innate Sensing: Lessons for the Neuroimmune Dialogue”

Social Event: Sailing on the lake


16:30. Davide Pozzi: “The Synapse as a Target of the Immune System: Role of Cytokines”


Day 5. Friday 18th

10:00. Keynote Lecture: Pietro De Camilli.

Introduced by Prof. Maria Paola Canevini

11:00. Final discussion with all speakers and students

13:00. Lunch




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The School is housed in Villa del Grumello, Como, which is set in a park over Como lake.

Target audience

Students, Postdoc, researchers

EITN EBRAINS Fall School in Computational Neuroscience

The EITN Fall School in Computational Neuroscience consists of a 10-day course in theoretical and computational neuroscience, from cellular to whole-brain levels. The course is structured in thematic days with lectures, tutorials, and project work.

The course is typically aimed for PhD students, young postdocs, or master students interested to learn more about techniques of computational neuroscience, and the use of various simulation environments for model building. The students will form thematic groups to work on predefined subjects, with the help of tutors.

The course will cover cellular models, models of brain signals, circuit models and networks, mean-field models, and whole-brain models. There will be lectures and tutorials associated with these topics.


Damien Depannemaecker (AMU), Alain Destexhe (CNRS), Viktor Jirsa (AMU)


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Strasbourg Autumn School in Chronobiology

The Chronobiology research group of Strasbourg is organizing an autumn school entitled “Neurobiology of Rhythms, from Basics to Environmental Impacts” from October 28 to 31, 2024.
It is open to Master or PhD student wishing to train in different theoretical and practical aspects of chronobiology in animals and humans. Registration is free and includes accommodation and meals, travel is not covered.
The site to register is here with a registration deadline of September 10 2024.


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Congrès du sommeil 2024

Organisé conjointement entre la SFRMS et la SPLF, le Congrès du Sommeil est devenu le rendez-vous annuel incontournable de l’ensemble des experts de cette discipline transversale et pluridisciplinaire ; professionnels de la santé, chercheurs, décideurs publics, associations de patients, prestataires, industriels …

L’édition 2024 aura lieu du 20 au 22 novembre, au Grand Palais de Lille et une retransmission de tout le programme scientifique sera disponible en ligne.

Lieu d’échanges privilégiés sur les innovations en matière de recherche sur le sommeil normal et pathologique, de diagnostic, de prise en charge et de thérapeutiques, le Congrès du Sommeil® propose chaque année un programme spécifique autours de conférences plénières, symposia, appel à communication, bourses…

Retrouvez toutes les informations relatives au Congrès du sommeil sur le site internet de l’événement.

Practical information


Grand Palais de Lille et en ligne

Congrès de l’Encéphale 2025

La nouvelle édition du Congrès de l’Encéphale se tiendra au Palais des Congrès de Paris du mercredi 22 au vendredi 24 janvier 2025.



L'Encéphale 2025

Practical information


Palais des Congrès de Paris

École de recherche translationnelle en neurosciences

Le GIS Autisme et Troubles du Neuro-Développement (TND), l’Institut Thématique Neurosciences, Sciences Cognitives, Neurologie, Psychiatrie de l’Inserm et le CNRS Biologie organisent au Château de Suduiraut (Preignac, 33) du 13 au 16 mars 2025 une école de recherche translationnelle en neurosciences. Cette école s’adresse aux jeunes cliniciens (internes en neurologie, psychiatrie, neurochirurgie ou pharmacie), aux chercheurs post-doctorants, ainsi qu’aux chercheurs récemment recrutés dans les EPST ou Universités, désireux de se familiariser avec le monde de la recherche translationnelle. Elle sera cette année particulièrement dédiée au troubles du Neuro-Développement.


Ouverture des candidatures à l’automne 2024

Programme préliminaire

Practical information


Château de Suduiraut, 33210 Preignac

16th Göttingen Meeting of the German Neuroscience Society

The meeting takes place on March 26 – 29, 2025, in the town Göttingen in the heart of Germany. With around 1.300 participants it is one of the largest neuroscience meetings in Europe besides the FENS Forum. The program offers 36 symposia with four speakers each.

For more information please visit the website of the event.

Practical information


Göttingen, Germany