Guidelines for abstract submission

All information on abstract specifications are also available on the abstract submission website.


Deadline for abstract submission: 1st March 2013

Abstracts must be in English.
They will be published in the programme book and on the meeting website.

Reminder: the first author of an abstract must be registered at the meeting and can only be first author on one abstract. However, authors can be co-author on several abstracts.
Invited speakers must be first author on the abstract of their presentation.
By submitting an abstract, the authors certify that their work complies with the ethical guidelines for human and animal research.

It is the author's responsibility to submit a correct abstract. Any errors in spelling, grammar or scientific fact will be reproduced as submitted by the author.
The Société des Neurosciences cannot be liable for the content or accuracy of the information provided in the abstracts.

Abstract specifications

Abstracts must be in English.

Prepare your abstract with your usual word processor; you will be able to copy-paste the title and text in the abstract submission form.

Abstract title

The title should not be in capital letters except for the initial letter and any strandard abbreviation.

Abstract body

The text should not exceed 2300 characters, including spaces.

Tables and graphs

Tables are accepted. You can upload up to 3 tables. Each table should not exceed 10 rows x 10 columns. Each row of the table will be counted as 100 characters against your 2300 characters total.

Graphs are accepted. You can upload up to 3 graphs. Each graph is counted as 400 characters. The maximum file size of each graph must not exceed 500 KB. The maximum pixel size of the graph is 600 (w) x 800 (h) pixel. You may upload graphs in JPG, GIF or PNG format.


Select at least one theme among the following list:

  • 1. Development, synaptic plasticity
  • 2. Signalisation, cellular communications
  • 3. Neurological and psychiatric diseases, experimental therapeutics
  • 4. Integrative neurosciences, sensory physiology
  • 5. Neuroendocrinology, neuroimmunology
  • 6. Behaviour, emotions, cognition, neuroethology
  • 7. Theoretical and computational neurosciences

Notification of acceptance or rejection

There is no evaluation process. However, organisers may refuse an abstract that would not conform scientific deontology.

Abstract cancellation

Abstract withdrawal can be requested by e-mail or fax to the congress secretariat, K.I.T. Group - fax: +49 30 24 603 200. Please state your name and abstract number in the message.
Withdrawal of an abstract without cancelling registration does not entail refund of the registration fee.
Only first authors are allowed to withdraw an abstract.



Last update:
Jun 07, 2018-13:22
Copyright © 2012 Société des Neurosciences