Workshop on translational research
in neuroscience


The French Neuroscience Society organizes, in partnership with ITMO Neurosciences, Sciences Cognitives, Neurologie, Psychiatrie, a workshop entitled «From physiological to pathological neuronal oscillations» which will take place on May 21, 2013 at the central library of Lyon 1 University (Domaine de Doua).

Aims of the workshop:

  • to inform medical trainees on the current research in neuroscience
  • to present a didactic state-of-the-art of a current hot topic in neuroscience
  • to encourage interactions between trainees and young investigators from different backgrounds.

Public: Interns and residents in neurology, psychiatry, neurosurgery, etc. and PhD students, post-doctoral fellows and researchers in neuroscience.

For further information, please visit the dedicated website.

Last update:
Jun 07, 2018-13:20
Copyright © 2012 Société des Neurosciences