Réunion du club Stress

Date : Mardi 24 mai 2011

Lieu : Syndicat des Architectes - 130, Avenue du Prado - 13008 Marseille

Renseignements : Francis Chaouloff


  • A Stress Club : what for ?
  • Break
  • Stress circuitry and synaptic plasticity

  • Gastrein P,  Lüthi A
  • Stress and the amygdala

  • Garcia R, Cleren C, Deschaux O
  • Synaptic plasticity, stress and fear extinction

  • Glangetas C, Groc L, Marsicano G, Chaouloff F, Georges F
    Cannabinoid receptors control synaptic plasticity in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis during acute stress
  • Mouly AM, Hegoburu C, Shionoya K, Parrot S, Sevelinges Y, Sullivan R
    Olfaction and emotion: the neural circuits of odor fear conditioning in rats


  • Lunch Break


  • Stress and emotionality I

  • Mongeau R, Hamon M, Lanfumey L
  • How can stress alter emotional balance through its interaction with the serotonergic system?

  • Granon S, Nosjean A, Chabout J
  • Stress effect on social behaviors in mice

  • Dubreucq S, Chevrier S, Marsicano G, Chaouloff F
  • Can we reveal anti-stress effects of physical activity in laboratory rodents ?


  • Break
    Stress and emotionality II

    Nader J, Chauvet C, El Rawas R, Favot L, Jaber M, Thiriet N, Solinas M
    Switch from positive to neutral living environments increases vulnerability to cocaine

    Bouvier E, Rivat C, Becker C, Benoliel JJ
    Chronic stress and depression

    Salmona M
    Violence and stress: a neurobiological approach to traumatic memory in posttraumatic stress disorder


  • Break


  • Autonomic and corticotropic responses to  stress

  • Guérineau NC, Colomer C, Olivos-Oré LA et Artalejo AR
  • Remodeling of the adrenal stimulus-secretion coupling in stressed rat

  • Metz-Boutigue MH, Atindehou M, Aslam R, Lavaux T, Schneider F
    Chromogranin A-derived peptides are involved in innate immunity

  • Pellissier S, Canini F, Bonaz B
  • Stress and inflammatory bowel diseases

  • Moisan MP, Minni A, Helbling JC
  • Genetic vulnerability to stress responses: example of the gene encoding transcortin


  • Conclusions

Dernière modification : 08/06/2011-15:12 Copyright © 2010 Société des Neurosciences