S01 - 27/05/2009, 10:30 - 12:30

Morphogens: from development to brain diseases.
Chaired by M. Ruat (Gif sur Yvette, France), F. Charron (Montreal, Canada)

Salinas P. (London)
Wnt signalling in the regulation of neuronal circuit formation.

Charron F. (Montreal)
Morphogens as brain wiring molecules.

Mehlen P. (Lyon)
The dependence receptor notion: when morphogen regulates survival.

Traiffort E. (Gif sur Yvette)
Control of adult neurogenesis by the Hedgehog pathway.

Gulino A. (Rome)
Morphogens signalling in cerebellar development and tumorigenesis.


S02 - 27/05/2009, 10:30 - 12:30

Serotonin: from genes to behaviour.
Chaired by P. Gaspar (Paris, France), C. Gross (Monterotondo, Italy)

Gross C. (Monterotondo)
Suppression of conditioning to ambiguous cues by pharmacogenetic inhibition of the dentate gyrus.

Maroteaux L. (Paris)
Serotonin 5-HT2B receptors are required for 3, 4-N-methylenedioxymethamphetamine-induced hyperlocomotion and 5-HT release in vivo and in vitro.

Mongeau R. (Paris)
Effects of VMAT2 ablation in serotonin neurons on depression and anxiety.

Compan V. (Montpellier)
Anorexia and ecstasy share pathways : Serotonin 5-HT4 receptors and CART in the nucleus accumbens.

Norton W. (Munich)
Genes controlling 5-HT neuron cell fate and agressive behaviour. The use of zebrafish for testing the effects of serotonin genes on behaviour.


S03 - 27/05/2009, 10:30 - 12:30

Reward and decision making: electrophysiological, pharmacological and neuroimaging approaches.
Chaired by J.C. Dreher (Bron, France), E. Procyk (Bron, France)

Ahmed S. (Bordeaux)
Addiction and extradimensional choice between drug and nondrug rewards.

Procyk E. (Bron)
Prefrontal correlates of control, evaluation, and adaptation of behaviour.

Pessiglione M. (Paris)
By carrots or by sticks: how experience improves our decisions.

Gorwood P. (Paris)
The genetics of "reward deficiency" revisited.

Dreher J.C. (Bron)
Genetic and hormonal influences on the reward system.


S04 - 27/05/2009, 10:30 - 12:30

Neuroenergetics: new evidence for astrocyte-neuron metabolic coupling.
Chaired by L. Pellerin (Lausanne, Switzerland), A.K. Bouzier-Sore (Bordeaux, France)

Pierre K. (Lausanne)
Close association between the neuronal MCT2 and the AMPA receptor in a common membrane trafficking process.

Rouach N. (Paris)
Astroglial metabolic networks sustain hippocampal synaptic transmission.

Bouzier-Sore A.K. (Bordeaux)
Glucose and lactate as oxidative energy substrates for brain cells: A NMR study.

Jolivet R. ( Zürich)
ANLS-I: a simple mathematical method to assess the degree of metabolic coupling between astrocytes and neurons.

Escartin C. (Orsay)
The metabolic plasticity of reactive astrocytes.


S05 - 27/05/2009, 10:30 - 12:30

Neurosciences and psychological suffering: ethical considerations.
Chaired by F. Moos (Bordeaux, France), A. Ehrenberg (Paris, France)

Verdoux H. (Bordeaux)
Are psychotropic drugs adequately used in France: the OPEPS report.

Bourgeron T. (Paris)
The drifting of the neuro-genetic discourse and its negative consequences.

Gonon F.G. (Bordeaux)
The drifting of the neurochemical discourse: the case of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Coffin J.C. (Paris)
Psychic suffering and biological psychiatry: historical view and ethical considerations.

Ehrenberg A. (Paris)
Neurobiological fact and social fact: how to clarify?


S06 - 27/05/2009, 10:30 - 12:30

The endocannabinoid system: new vistas.
Chaired by G. Marsicano (Bordeaux, France), O.J. Manzoni (Bordeaux, France)

Lutz B. (Mainz, Germany)
The complexity of the endocannabinoid system and the quest for new tools.

Pagotto U. (Bologna)
The endocannabinoid system in the control of energy balance: how much brain and how much periphery?

Manzoni O.J. (Bordeaux)
The endocannabinoid system in the regulation of synaptic transmission and plasticity.

Marsicano G. (Bordeaux)
CB1 plays opposite roles in different neuronal populations: genetic studies.

Valjent E. (Paris)
Integrated physiology and pathophysiology of the functions of the endocannabinoid system.


S07 - 28/05/2009, 10:30 - 12:30

Neuronal migration: from pathology to biology and back.
Chaired by A. Represa (Marseille, France), R. Guerrini (Firenze, Italy)

Represa A. (Marseille)
Genetic and environmental modulation of neuronal migration.

Métin C. (PARIS)
Cellular and molecular mechanisms of cortical interneurons migration.

Chelly J. (Paris)
Cytoskeleton and neuronal migration.

Raybaud C. (Toronto)
Cortical development disorders: IRM identification and classification.

Guerrini R. (Firenze)
Malformations of cortical development, genetics and epileptogenesis.


S08 - 28/05/2009, 10:30 - 12:30

Dynamics of auditory cortex processing in normal situations and during functional reorganizations.
Chaired by J.M. Edeline (Orsay, France), O. Bertrand (Bron, France)

Pressnitzer D. (Paris )
Dynamics of neural correlates of auditory scene analysis.

Bidet-Caulet A. (Bron)
Neurophysiological mechanisms of selective auditory attention: from intracerebral EEG to scalp EEG in human.

Norena A. (Marseille)
Hearing loss-induced cortical plasticity and its functional consequences.

Thai-Van H. (Lyon)
Deprivation-induced auditory plasticity and rehabilitation in cochlear-lesioned human subjects.

Barone P. (Toulouse)
Understanding auditory function by deafness: recovery of auditory functions in cochlear-implanted deaf patients.


S09 - 28/05/2009, 10:30 - 12:30

Stress and the mechanism of brain programming.
Chaired by S. Maccari (Lille, France), D. Beracochea (Talence, France)

D'Amato F. (Rome)
Mother helper at the nest modulates offspring learning abilities in mice.

Morley-Fletcher S. (Villeneuve D'Ascq)
Prenatal stress and brain plasticity: action of antidepressants and proteomic differences.

Sandi C. (Lausanne)
Stress and vulnerability to psychopathology: risk factors and new treatment targets.

Beracochea D. (Talence)
Increased vulnerability to stress induced by ageing: impact on memory functions and intra-hippocampal glucocorticoids release.

Falissard B. (Paris)
A connexionist approach of brain programming.


S10 - 28/05/2009, 10:30 - 12:30

Adenosine A2A receptors and brain dysfunction.
Chaired by M. Amalric (Marseille, France), M. Morelli (Cagliari, Italy)

Prézeau L. (Montpellier)
Cross talk between G protein-coupled receptors (GPCR).

Morelli M. (Cagliari)
Neuroprotection by A2A receptor inactivation: role of forebrain and glial A2A receptors in the MPTP mouse model of Parkinson’s disease.

Amalric M. (Marseille)
Interaction between A2A and metabotropic glutamate receptors to regulate motor function in rat models of Parkinson's disease.

Cunha R. (Coimbra)
A2A receptor antagonists prevent memory dysfunction in animal models of Alzheimer, stress or diabetic encephalopathy'.

Popoli P. (Roma)
Functions and possible therapeutic relevance of adenosine A2A receptors in Huntington's disease.


S11 - 28/05/2009, 10:30 - 12:30

Chemokines: brain and neuroendocrine functions.
Chaired by W. Rostene (Paris, France), C. Limatola (Roma, Italy)

Limatola C. (Roma)
Neuromodulatory activities of the chemokine fraktalkine.

Melik Parsadaniantz S. (Paris)
Chemokines and neuropathic pain.

Guyon A. (Valbonne)
Multiple actions of the chemokine SDF1 on neuronal excitability.

Florio T. (Genova)
Role of the chemokine SDF1 in regulating anterior pituitary functions.

Combadiere C. (Paris)
CX3CR1-dependent subretinal microglia cell accumulation in age-related macular degeneration.


SP02 - 28/05/2009, 10:30 - 12:30

Depression, OCD and related disorders: from neurobiology to therapeutics.
Chaired by B. Aouizérate (Bordeaux, France), L. Mallet (Paris, France)
Sponsorisé par Lilly

Millet B. (Rennes)
Depression: from the clinic to classical treatments and others.

Aouizérate B. (Bordeaux)
Neurobiology of depression: from stress to symptoms.

Bougerol T. (Grenoble)
OCD: From the clinic to regular treatments.

Mallet L. (Paris)
From Pathophysiology to therapeutical applications (Deep brain stimulation).

Houeto J.L. (Poitiers)
Gilles de la Tourette disorder: from the clinic to regular treatments and others.


SP03 - 28/05/2009, 13:30 - 15:30

Symposium FRC / Société des Neurosciences
Chaired by E. Hirsch (PARIS, France)

Baulac S. (Paris)
Role of LGI1/Epitempin in temporal lobe epilepsies.

Garel S. (Paris)
Cell migration as a path-opener for thalamo-cortical projections: roles and mechanisms.

Rijli F. (Basel)
Hox genes and neuronal circuit formation in the mammalian brain.

Boutillier A.L. (Strasbourg)
Histone acetylation and DNA methylation in memory functions: molecular and integrative studies in a cognitively relevant model of Alzheimer's disease and in aging.

Bessis A. (Paris)
Rapid modulation of synaptic function by microglia.


S12 - 29/05/2009, 10:30 - 12:30

A wide spectrum of proliferative neural progenitors in the adult mammalian brain.
Chaired by I. Franceschini (Nouzilly, France), E. Moyse (Marseille, France)

Moyse E. (Marseille)
A novel neurogenic niche in the satiety reflex centre of adult rodent brainstem.

Peretto P. (Turin)
Neurogenesis in the striatum of the adult mammalian brain.

Migaud M. (Nouzilly)
Seasonnal dependant variation of cell proliferation in the sheep hypothalamus and thalamus.

Allet C. (Lille)
A role for postnatal gliogenesis in female sexual maturation and adult reproductive function.

Durbec P. (Marseille)
Gliogenesis in the rodent neurohypophysis.


S13 - 29/05/2009, 10:30 - 12:30

Coding of complex tactile scenes in the whisker-to-barrel cortex system.
Chaired by L. Bourdieu (Paris, France), V. Ego-Stengel (Gif sur Yvette, France)

Bureau I. (Marseille)
Mapping the neuronal circuits in the mouse barrel cortex with laser scanning photostimulation.

Le Cam J. (Gif sur Yvette)
Thalamic and cortical representation of tactile scenes with high dimension spatiotemporal statistics.

Bourdieu L. (Paris)
A direction preference map in layers 2/3 of rat barrel cortex using two-photon microscopy.

Férézou I. (Paris)
Voltage-sensitive dye imaging of cortical sensory processing in awake mice.

Diamond M.E. (Trieste)
Touch encoding in barrel cortex.


S14 - 29/05/2009, 10:30 - 12:30

The entorhinal cortex: a multiple-faceted brain region.
Chaired by F. Sargolini (Marseille, France), J.C. Cassel (Strasbourg, France)

De Curtis M. (Milan)
Importance of GABAergic inhibition in the regulation of network synchronization in the entorhinal cortex.

Ferry B. (Lyon)
The entorhinal cortex modulates conditioned odor aversion learning in the rat: How and when?

Save E. (Marseille)
Role of medial and lateral entorhinal cortex in spatial memory.

Meunier M. (Bron)
Entorhinal cortex and emotions in the monkey.

Bartolomei F. (Marseille )
Functional anatomy of "déjà vu-déjà vécu": evidence from epileptic patients.


S15 - 29/05/2009, 10:30 - 12:30

Striatal signaling in hyperdopaminergic related disorders.
Chaired by R. Brambilla (Milan, Italy)

Girault J.A. (Paris)
A phosphatase cascade by which natural rewards and drugs of abuse regulate nucleosomal response.

Vanhoutte P. (Paris)
From the plasma membrane to the nucleus: synergy of glutamatergic and dopaminergic inputs on the ERK pathway.

Di Luca M. (Milan)
Modulation of NR2B receptor signaling in L-DOPA induced Dyskinesia.

Brambilla R. (Milan)
Inhibition of Ras-GRF1 attenuates ERK dependent signalling in the striatum and L-DOPA induced dyskinesia.

Bezard E. (Bordeaux)
Pharmacological and genetic modulation of signalling pathways improves L-dopa induced dyskinesia: RGS, GRK and Ras-ERK.


S16 - 29/05/2009, 10:30 - 12:30

New concepts in the pathophysiology of pain: from the nociceptors to the cortex.
Chaired by R. Dallel (Clermont-Ferrand, France), F. Nagy (Bordeaux, France)

Delmas P. (Marseille )
The Nav1.9 sodium channel and pain.

Lingueglia E. (Valbonne)
Role of acid-sensing ion channels in pain.

Todd A.J. (Glasgow)
Pain networks of the spinal dorsal horn.

Schlichter R. (Strasbourg)
The dorsal horn mechanisms of hyperalgesia.

Frot M. (Lyon)
The cortical representation of pain.


SP04 - 29/05/2009, 10:30 - 12:30

Neuroinflammation in neurodegenerative diseases.
Chaired by K.G. Petry (Bordeaux, France), H. Perry (Southampton, United Kingdom)
Sponsorisé par Biogen Idec

Couraud P.O. (Paris)
The blood brain barrier in neuroinflammatory diseases.

Dubuquoi S. (Lille )
Neuroinflammatory events in chronic neurodegeneration.

Martino G. (Milan)
T, B, NKT cellules in Multiple sclerosis and therapeutic strategies.

Perry H. (Southampton)
The impact of systemic inflammation on the brain in health and disease.

Hunot S. (Paris)
Chronic inflammation in Parkinson disease.


SP05 - 29/05/2009, 13:30 - 15:30

Evaluation of drug and non-drug therapies in Alzheimer's disease.
Chaired by J.F. Dartigues (Bordeaux, France), P. Robert (Nice, France)
Sponsorisé par Janssen-Cilag

Auriacombe S. (Bordeaux)
Immunotherapy in Alzheimer's disease.

Dubois B. (Paris)
New therapeutic targets in Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer's disease.

Vellas B. (Toulouse)
A strategy for the evaluation of drugs therapy of Alzheimer's disease in France and in Europe.

Dartigues J.F. (Bordeaux)
The study ETNA 3, evaluation of non-drug therapies in Alzheimer's disease.

Belleville S. (Montréal )
Cognitive stimulation in Mild Cognitive Impairment.
