Biotech forum

The 9th Congress of the French Neuroscience Society will provide a unique opportunity to scientists, clinical researchers and decision-makers of the biotechnology world to meet and to exchange views on subjects of common interest in the field of neuroscience research. Space has been provided to biotechnology companies to present their activities and know-how to researchers. .

Several possibilities:

1 poster (1)250 € VAT excl
2 posters (1)420 € VAT excl
Mini-stand (2)835 € VAT excl
2 posters
1 rectangular table
2 chairs
Non-equipped stand (2) 1 250 € VAT excl
3 kw  electrical supply
1 rectangular table
2 chairs

These prices apply to biotech companies only.

(1) These prices do not include the registration fees for the persons representing their company at the Congress.
(2) These prices include the registration fees for the persons representing their company at the Congress.

If you want to participate to the Biotech forum, please download the booking form.