Welcoming participants
Introductory words
A modern story of attention, David Roulier, Paris
Towards an education of attention, Jean-Philippe Lachaux, Lyon
When attention is defective, Fabienne Collette, Liège
The anatomy of attention, Paolo Bartolomeo, Paris
‘attentive together’ Consulting
Attention deficits in children and teenagers, Pierre Fourneret, Lyon
Non-pharmacological approaches in ADHD, Stéphanie Bioulac, Grenoble
Attention deficits in adults, Jérémie Pariente, Toulouse
The neurophysiology of attention, Suliann Ben Hamed, Lyon
Computational models of attention, Grace Lindsay (visio), New-York
Human-Robot interactions and Joint attention, Agnieszka Wykowska, Genova
Concluding words – ‘attentive together’ Consulting
Cet atelier est à destination de toute·s, chercheur·e·s et clinicien·ne·s, doctorant·e·s, post-docs (à noter, les conférences seront en anglais).
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