Appels d’offres
Appels d’offres en cours
The Japan Neuroscience Society offers travel awards to enthusiastic, leading, non-Japanese neuroscientists traveling from abroad to present high-quality papers at its 48th annual meeting
The Institut Pasteur is a global leader in scientific excellence, and drives its mission to tackle humanity’s most pressing health challenges. Founded in 1887 by Louis Pasteur, and led since January 2024 by Professor Yasmine Belkaid, the Institut Pasteur is home to over 3,000 members from more than 100 nationalities.
La Fondation Vaincre Alzheimer octroie des subventions pour la recherche fondamentale, translationnelle et clinique dans le domaine de la maladie d’Alzheimer et des autres maladies neurocognitives.
The Japan Neuroscience Society is announcing a call for nominations for the 9th Joseph Altman Award in 2025.
The "Emergence – New team" call for research proposals is intended to support, over a period of 3 years a young researcher (CR/DR Inserm or CNRS or other French Institution), teacher in a French university (MCU/PU), clinician-scientist (MCU-PH/PU-PH), French or not, wishing to set up in France a new independent or autonomous group to develop an original clinical or fundamental research project on MS or associated disorders.
France Sclérose en plaques Foundation welcomes any basic and clinical research applications. No topic restrictions are imposed, other than the required demonstration of relevance to Multiple Sclerosis and related disorders.
The EDMUS Foundation, in partnership and with the support of the France Sclérose en plaques Foundation, is launching its 10th call for research proposals.
Le prix Henri Le Bars est destiné à encourager ou récompenser un chercheur ou une chercheure francophone, si possible vétérinaire, ou faisant partie d’une équipe, dont les travaux portent sur des recherches en physiologie intégrative, auteur(s) de publications internationales référencées, ou d’ouvrages d’enseignement ou de vulgarisation. Les travaux devront montrer comment les résultats obtenus aux niveau moléculaire et cellulaire permettent une meilleure compréhension de la régulation, voire du dérèglement des fonctions au niveau de l’organisme entier.