EBRAINS Research Infrastructure symposium FENS satellite Meeting

EBRAINS Research Infrastructure symposium FENS satellite Meeting

The EBRAINS FENS satellite event, « EBRAINS Research Infrastructure Symposium: addressing grand challenges in brain research », aims to bring together experimental, clinical and computational neuroscientists.

We will highlight the connections between basic and clinical neuroscience and computational neuroscience. The program is be structured around four sessions on why, what, how and where to integrate multi-resolution and multi-scale data for neuroscience research.

The symposium will be held on Friday July 8, from 8:30 to 17:30 (standing lunch included).

Registration is free but mandatory (REGISTER NOW).

More information on EBRAINS website.

Informations pratiques


8h30 - 17h30


Meet us at the INSPE
10 Rue Molitor
75016 Paris, France

Public cible

Experimental, clinical and computational neuroscientists, both seniors and young scientiists

Moyens de paiement

Registration is free but mandatory : REGISTER NOW