Submission form for proposals of masters, PhD, postdoctorate fellowships, long-term or short-term positions.

Please fill in each field then click on "Send" to submit this form.
You will receive a receipt with the code number of your proposal. Together with the password
that you choose in this form, the code number will allow you to edit your proposal later on if needed.
Your job offer will be checked by our staff before being made available on the French Neuroscience Society website.

* mandatory fields

Category *

Graduate studies 
Postdoctoral position 
Short-term position 
Long-term position 
You may fill in the following fields either in English or in French

Job offer *

(Short title: University professor, Post-doctorate, Engineer, ...) 

You may rezise the text boxes for a better vizualisation.
Proposal *
Technical expertise (project)
Molecular biology, Electrophysiology, Administration, ...
Qualifications (candidate)
Degree, age,  ...
Terms of position * 
Duration, salary ...
Include http:// or https://
Deadline for application *   (dd/mm/yyyy)

Contact *

Individual and/or service (Secretariat, department of personel, etc)

Family name and first name  
Family name
First name
Choose a password 
Confirm password 
The password must contain 8 to 12 signs excluding spaces, with at least :
1 lower case latin character (a-z), 1 upper case character (A-Z), 1 digit (0-9)
and 1 of the following symbols # ? ! * & (other symbols are ignored).
Please keep it secure. In case you forget it, you will have to choose another one.

Contact's address *

Address 1: University, company...*
Address 2: Lab., depart....
Address 3: Group...
Street, place...
City *
Country *
Postal code *   Other (Zip, cedex...)  
E-mail address *
Other e-mail (Cc)
Phone number (digits only)    Country code  
Fax number (digits only)    Country code  

 * I have read and I accept the terms and conditions of the Job Offers service
provided by the French Neuroscience Society.